

Given the fantastic success of Gaia, which provided us breakthroughs in our vision of the Milky Way, its satellite galaxies, and its own stars, it is time to think of the next generation of astrometric missions. The goals of the workshop are to

1) identify a broad list of fundamental scientific questions of Exoplanetology, Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Particle Physics waiting for super-precision astrometry to achieve possible breakthroughs;

2) think about what type of telescope, instrument and observing strategy would be ideal to achieve sufficient astrometric precision to lead to such breakthroughs.

Important dates

Deadline for abstract submission
7 July, 2024

Deadline for (free) registration:
26 August, 2024

Workshop: Wednesday 11 September to Friday 13 September, 2024




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Subject: Accommodation for [name deleted by G. Mamon] in Paris, France - September 11-13, 2024 - IAP
Dear [name deleted by G. Mamon],

For your upcoming conference visit to Paris in September.

Kindly provide your arrival and departure dates for us to finalize your reservation.

Once confirmed, we will email you an invoice and an itinerary including detailed information about your booking.

Your booking is fully flexible for alterations, modifications, or complete cancellations up to 14 days before your scheduled check-in date.


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