
Talk slides

Space missions & Ground-based telescopes - I

Space missions & Ground-based telescopes - II

  • The GaiaNIR mission and how concepts from Theia could enhance the project. - David Hobbs, Lund Observatory [Lund]

  • An Optical Interferometer on the Moon: Concept and Astrometric Science - Gerard van Belle, Lowell Observatory

  • Multiwavelength astrometric detection strategies for black holes - Poshak Gandhi, University of Southampton

Science - Dark matter I

  • How could super-precision astrometry change our view of dwarf galaxies? - Eduardo Vitral, Space Telescope Science Institute

  • On your astrometric journey, don't forget your spectrograph ... - David Katz, GEPI

  • The Precision Frontier of Dark Matter Constraints - from Direct Acceleration Measurements - Sukanya Chakrabarti, UAH

Science - BHs, Neutron stars & Cosmology

  • Neutron star physics from super-fine astrometry - Thomas Maccarone, Department of Physics [Texas Tech]

  • Varstrometry for Dual AGN using Radio interferometry (VaDAR) - Emma Schwartzman, George Mason University [Fairfax], United States Naval Research Laboratory

  • Future measurements of the nature of dark matter with strong lensing - Anna Nierenberg, University of California, Merced

  • Astrometric Probes of Black Holes and Their Progenitors - Jessica Lu, U. California at Berkeley

Science - Dark matter II

  • What can we learn about dark matter from a future precision astrometry mission? - Justin Read, University of Surrey      
  • Astrometric Search for Ultralight Dark Matter - Hyungjin Kim, DESY      
  • How could super-precision astrometry change our view of open clusters? - Susanne Pfalzner, Forschungszentrum Jülich

Space missions & Ground-based telescopes III

  • Introduction to the Habitable Worlds Observatory - Aki Roberge, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center      
  • Ultra High Precision Astrometry with the Habitable Worlds Observatory - Bernard Gaudi, Department of Astronomy, The Ohio State University      
  • The SHERA Mission - Gautam Vasisht, Jet Propulsion Laboratory      

Space missions & Ground-based telescopes IV

  • Search for exoEarths around alphaCen with the TOLIMAN and future missions - Peter Tuthill, Peter Tuthill     

Discussion on Space missions & Ground-based telescopes

Instrumentation I

  • Ring Astrometric Field Telescope - Deborah Busonero, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino      
  • Telescopes with resilient astrometric response - Mario Gai, INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino      
  • MicroArcsec Astrometry Technologies - Michael Shao, Jet Propulsion Laboratory      
  • Detector development for future space missions - Jesper Skottfelt, The Open University [Milton Keynes]      

Science - Planetary systems

  • Key questions in exoplanet demographics: the power of ultra-high precision astrometry - Alessandro Sozzetti, Osservatorio astrofisico di Torino      
  • Solar system science with extreme astrometry - Benoît Carry, Joseph Louis LAGRANGE      
  • A supersharp view of the Universe with optical interferometry - Sylvestre Lacour, Laboratoire d'études spatiales et d'instrumentation en astrophysique      

Discussion on instrumentation

Science - Clusters & Milky Way satellites

  • High-Precision Astrometry of Small Stellar Systems - Laura Watkins, Space Telescope Science Institute      

Science - Gravitational waves & Particle physics

  • Measuring the shape of the outer halo of the Milky Way with astrometric techniques - Oleg Gnedin, University of Michigan      
  • The search for gravitational wave backgrounds with astrometry - Juan Garcia-Bellido, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid      
  • Pinpointing GW sources to delve into the fabric of spacetime via Astrometric Gravitational Wave Antenna - Mariateresa Crosta, INAF-OATo      
  • Astrometric Explorations of the Gravitational Wave Background and Photon Ring Astrometry - Yifan Chen, Niels Bohr Institute [Copenhagen]      

Science - Cosmology & Discussion

  • Real-Time Astrometric Cosmology - Jeremy Darling, University of Colorado      

Discussion on Science 


  • Closing remarks  - Gary Mamon, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris


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